Why is there Resentment of the Teachers for the Reopening of Schools this fall? 

The COVID-19 pandemic infected people around the world without exceptions. It is a deadly virus for people with low immunity. With more than half of the world’s population living in fear due to the wrath of the pandemic, scientists have been working hard to create a vaccine for the virus. Amidst all the fiasco, most states have been contemplating the opening of the schools. A survey conducted by Fishbowl reveals a majority of teachers in different states unwilling to attend schools if reopened this fall. 

Most teachers, almost two-thirds of them complain about having a harder time doing their job. They have to work more than usual during the time of the pandemic. While most may not be comfortable doing their job properly with the remotely teaching methods, they still oppose the reopening of schools this fall. The teachers believe the decision to reopen schools would jeopardize the lives of the children and the teachers as well. 

The survey conducted in different states brought forth almost similar results from the teachers and parents alike. More than half of the teachers in different states opposed the reopening of schools in the fall. They were willing to attend schools only when it was deemed safe for them and the children. More than their lives at stake, they were worried about the children being infected by the deadly virus. 

Despite the difference of opinion in different states, a majority of teachers were opposed to the reopening of schools. There were a few teachers in favor of resuming in-person classes, but barely 51% of them could muster support. In other states as well, nearly 41% and 39% of teachers were in support of the reopening of schools this fall, but it was not enough to convince the parents opposed to sending their wards to schools. 

Apart from the teachers, most parents were opposed to resuming in-person classes. They do not want to send their children in harm’s way. Similar to teachers, a few parents agreed to the decision, but it was not enough to support. There is no other place for the teachers to be other than the classrooms, but they would like to have a safe environment.